Excursions, Shopping, Leisure activities
Boredom? We have no experience with boredom at the Schätzlehof Farm, or in the Black Forest, it simply doesn’t exist. Apart from the all the various activities that are available at the farm itself, there is an endless supply of leisure activities, excursion possibilities and recreational activities nearby. The tips mentioned below are just a few of the many things to do. In your apartment there is a folder with a complete list of ideas and tips to inspire you.
Family excursion in the ZweiTälerLand (two-valley-area)
Visit the local museum in Elzach, the Elztalmuseum, the Schwarzwaldzoo (Black Forest zoo), or the Walderlebnispark (Forest adventure park) in Waldkirch. Climb onto the Kandel (1242 m) or marvel at the Zweribachwasserfälle (waterfalls) – only to mention a few possibilities that are close by. The following link describes the destinations mentioned above, as well as many other places to see. And gives further tips for activities on bad weather days:
Places of excursions in the ZweiTälerLand
Hiking and Biking
For all those who long to exercise outdoors, or just spend some time with Mother Nature, there are large, clearly marked hiking and biking trails, starting directly at our farm. We can provide a lot of information for you, just ask. You will find further information under the following links:
Hiking in the ZweiTälerLand
Biking in the ZweiTälerLand
Further Highlights in the Black Forest
Freiburg, a beautiful city approx. 30 km away is always worth a visit. Or you can pass a splendid day with your family in the Europapark in Rust. The famous mountains and lakes of the Black Forest should not remain unmentioned (and unvisited) like Lake Titisee, Lake Schluchsee, the Feldberg or Schauinsland mountains, just to mention a few.
If you want to make an international tour you can drive to Alsace, close by (e.g. Strasbourg or Colmar) or make a side trip to Switzerland (Basel).

Free rides with Bus & Railway
Our guest will all receive the so-called KONUS-guest card. This allows free-rides on the bus and railway, as well as free entry to many leisure activities in the ZweiTälerLand.
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